You know, I’ve never really liked horror films
I’ve always thought that people who like them are a bit crazy
Honestly, I still do to some extent
But do you want to know the reason why I think I don’t like horror films?
It’s because my mind has an uncanny ability to make them up on its own
My mind is infinitely creative
Especially when it comes to the deepest fears of my programming
My mind could put some of the best horror script writers to shame
And do you know why?
It’s because a long time ago, there was a little girl who somehow learned that she was at risk of mental instability and that the thoughts that passed through her mind were really really really important
And so the mind whose purpose is to keep me safe has gone to work ever since
Inventing problems and then trying to solve them
Using old learned fears to threaten me back into the bounds of being small, sweet, and safe
Funny enough, the horror movie never comes to fruition - even when I break the “rules”
Maybe it’s finally time to laugh at it
Then maybe I can finally go enjoy horror films
I might even find them funny
Then I'll be the crazy lady who laughs in horror films.
Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash